
Why to choose fire doors?

Why to choose fire doors?

          Home or work places are the areas where a large part of our life passes. Various precautions taken to make these areas safer will greatly protect you from being adversely affected in undesirable situations, while helping to raise your life standarts. 

          Fire doors are building components which are needed in possible disasters and even in every other negative situation that can be experienced in a building, the lack of which can cause undesirable results and therefore its existence is mostly requried. Fire doors, which can be used for fire and some other negative situations, allows users to provide a great deal of protection, especially in high-rise buildings and in buildings with many people.

          Another feature of fire doors in terms of fire resistance and disaster management is their longevity beings. Fire doors can be used for many years (it may vary depending on the product type and brand) at a level that can fulfill all its functions when its routine maintenance is done correctly.  

        In addition to all these features, the wide choice range and aesthetic superiority provided by the large number of color and variety options are also sufficient reasons to choose a fire door. 

         As a supplier of imported and domestic doors, we also provide engineering and technical support in many areas, from the first steps of projects and determination of specifications up to final door schedules and hand over processes.

IQDOORS INS AS company serves as your door solutions partner for your door needs in your projects and as a complete solution center for doors.
